from the amazing variety of work that is presented at the show. You
can be overwhelmed by the incredible technique and sophistication by
work such as that by the ceramic artist Mariko Swisher pictured above.
Some of her elaborate geometric pieces takes over a month to
complete. Mariko's booth offers a serene environment and opportunity
to get to know this extraordinary and gentle artist:
Or be pulled in by the work of another ceramic artist, James Aarons
and his "exploration of space" (James description of his new work.)
Intrigued by urban spaces and movement within them, he says "the
main purpose of my work is to inspire curiosity and action". Movement
and action - not a surprise since James has also had an extensive career
as a modern dancer.
Then, turn the corner to see funk and fun by Amy Flynn. Her
one-of-a-kind Fobots made from found objects are full of energy
and fun...reminding us not to take ourselves too seriously.
Or admit that serious fun is needed too. A dramatic contrast from the
booths of Mariko and James, Amy's booth demonstrates how different
work requires a different approach to display. Unfortunately I wasn't
able to visit with Amy at the show, hope to connect with her down the
road. I was able to talk at least a bit with Don Becker whom I met for
the first time at ACC Baltimore in 2010 when he had one of the small
alt craft booths. I was pleased to see this puppeteer par excellence in a
full booth this year:
By the time I took a photo of his booth, quite a few puppets and
sculptures had already lept off the shelves. One of Don's
puppets greets me every day as I walk into my studio.
And where does my work fit in the midst of these wild contrasts?
Perhaps somewhere inbetween. Here is an image of my booth
this year at ACC Baltimore taken by the photographer, Bob Barrett.
I had Bob Barrett take some photos of individual pieces as well....I'll
share them in my next post.
Adventure on. Wendy