ACC Baltimore is this coming week:
I'll be there for both Wholesale on Wed/Thurs Feb. 22-23 and
retail Friday-Sun. Feb. 24-26 in booth #1200........with LOTS of
new items - sculptures and functional leather items - some the
results of collaborations.
The photo above is one example - A collaborative project with
Regina and Dan St. John of Chena River Marblers:
At the Paradise City Arts Festival last fall, Dan showed me
some papers they were creating which looked like eyes...and
the wheels began to churn. The end result: custom journals of
graph paper which they cover and include their eye endpapers.
I, in turn, have created leather covers for the journals. Here's
a second view of the end product:
Most of my journals will still be blank pages, but for those
graphic designers who prefer graphing paper, we are ready
for them!
In addition, I'll have new custom eyes for items thanks
to collaborating with Kelly
whom I met last year at Arisia. This year at Arisia we
firmed up ideas. Kelly agreed to make some custom
colored eyes for my work. (Check out her jewelry
and other work on her website!) The eyes (much
more magical in person than in these photos) arrived
just in time to incorporate into some items for the
ACC show. Newly designed cases for smart phones
and cases for e-readers and some journals will have them.
Creatures will get them for the next show.
Here are a couple examples of the new items:
I've discovered e-readers come in lots of sizes. The
one pictured above fits a kindle touch.
This is an image of the phone cases with more traditional
eyes. I like both, but it's fun to have choices.
And...finally, as you might have expected, I've created cases for
I-pads... I was convinced at Arisia, it was really just too logical
not to make some custom ones. Here is the sample I have come
up with to show at Baltimore:
Time to pack up....Please if you can...drop by booth #1200 in Baltimore!!!
Adventure on! Wendy